
There are many ways to help us raise funds to help support our projects that nourish the lives of Afghans!  We have suggested a few options below, but welcome additional ideas as well.  If you would like to discuss one of the options below, or have an idea that is not listed that you would like to explore, please call us at 904-686-1470 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Eastern Time) or e-mail

  • Make a donation. Click here to make a donation with your credit card. If you want to pay through your checking account via PayPal, please click here.
  • Workplace matching. Many companies match charitable donations made by their employees for specific causes. If your organization has such a program and chose to help Afghans in need, our projects could reach even more people.
  • Honorary donations. Honor or remember someone in your life by making a donation in their name to the Bayat Foundation. Such donations can recognize birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. When doing this, please include the recipient’s e-mail or physical address, and we will let them know that you were thinking of them and made a donation in their name. Amounts can remain anonymous if requested.
  • Talk about it. Simply send a letter or email to your friends about the important work the Bayat Foundation undertakes, how easy it is for anyone interested to help, and that 100% of every donation goes to projects in Afghanistan. An example of a letter is available.
  • Look around. Do you know of a business that understands the needs of at-risk Afghans?  If so, just send us the company’s name and phone number (a contact name would be helpful) and we will reach out to them to see if they can join us in improving the lives of needy Aghans or help us communicate our message of hope to more people.  We can send a counter-top display with pre-addressed envelopes included so that other people visiting the business can take with them to learn more or donate.